Brace yourselves! Apostolis Barbagiannis is hitting the road with his new show!
It’s raw. It’s edgy. It’s a no-holds-barred monologue spiced with blistering notes and scorching lyrics. Apostolis Barbagiannis is here to defy conventions, break rules, and leave you gasping (or laughing uncontrollably—we’ll take either).
Expect the unexpected: improvised antics, shameless audience shenanigans, pranks, twists, and hilariously fitting punishments. Add to that a live orchestra, and you’ve got a Stand-Up Comedy Show like no other—a riotous blend of musical mayhem, satirical songs, and daring political jabs.
Joining the madness? A colorful cast of the absurd and the infamous: political “nepo babies”, left-wing wheeler-dealers, center-left social climbers, far-right schemers, obscurantists, and other delightfully bizarre figures.
Worried it might get out of hand? Fear not! The ever-diligent Peace Officer Balourdos is on duty.